a site dedicated to uniting and uplifting.
a brand aiming to make loving black men cool, through words.
we display a collection of letters and thoughts geared towards the humanization of black men everywhere. hopefully amplifying that they are loved, wanted and necessary.
stripping away the labels and stereotypes and leaving just the words and feelings before you.
memorializing and eternalizing the black excellence. its about letting black men know they are gone but never forgotten and though they are seen as "trouble" by a small few, they are loved and wanted by many more.
subit your thoughts and feelings freely and anonymously. these are readings and post by humans, for humans hoping to restart and reignite the look of humanity.
when you strip us of the labels, who are we all?
you are not alone.
*map out the area beforehand. this way if any detours are necessary, you're a bit more prepared.
*bring a map. traditional ways still work. a paper map helps in case any tech is lost, broken or dead.
*wear layers. temperatures change and so does the situation, being able to take off and put back on clothing helps.
* bring a bottle of water, preferably one that easily seals and opens in case you have to pour or share.
*wear comfortable shoes. you will be in them for a long time.
* have identification on you. in case of any emergency situations also bring medical cards and vital emergency contact information written somewhere.
*wear a hat,
*pack lightly. lugging around unneeded items slows you down and frustrates you over time.
*rechargeable batteries for your phone and walk-men can aid if anything goes awry.
*go with someone if not an entire group. sometimes people pretend to be for the same cause so that they can lure you into a more dangerous and hostile situation. if you have to go alone, DO NOT GO.
*always tell someone where you will be and what time you expect to be back inside.
*carry extra cash. cash, for now, is still “king” and you may need it for last minute snacks and / or to pay for help.