update: the 2020 riots are still very prominent in the minds of business execs everywhere...they have spent billions in re-branding & campaigns to garner the attention of the community dollars they loss in 2020 after the death & killing of george floyd.
so much so that much detest was given this one simple post in its nature of seemingly standing for the unity of the black people wrongfully killed by the cops. in efforts to harm those who are against the wrongful killing of black people... the cops have instead craeted barriers of union within their own dynamics. after 3 years of realization that other means are and can be more effective... we are just now seeing the true efforts of re-unionizing. where officers, individually are taking better measures to incorporate proper protocols and other less aggressive means to harness a different outcome when in these situations within our community. the last 3 years have been actively precarious for those on the front lines creating the boundaries being the voice and using their resources. we thank them.

ya'll know the sayin'..#nojusticeno..
you know the saying. "no justice, no peace.." but can we say that in 2020 we are finally making some headway and seeing some changes?
Now..im not a difficult person but this being an opinion piece and all, I will say.. NO. We are barely touching the surface when it comes to the many disadvantages that black and brown men and women face everyday. However, I am here for the recognition received from several brands and the other white folk though.
I don't know what took them so long to see that we have been isolated, tortured and made to feel humiliated more than not. But i am glad, that they are seemingly beginning to understand. Being black, can take it's toll on you.
So, let's highlight, the good stuff. Wait. For a need to be fully transparent.. I was going to write, "lets celebrate the good shit."...and then I changed it. Why? Because one, didn't wanna come off too strong in this first few post and drop suss words. but mainly, because..there isn't anything to celebrate when black people are still being hung from trees. There is nothing to celebrate when people are purposely breaking into homes and killing women and children
But I digress.. so, leeeehhhhggooo.
The President has signed a reform order discouraging choke-holds on civilians unless officers are dramatically endangered along with Minneapolis and NYC calling to ban them. The order also calls for proper databases of officers who have been reported to be created. Other states have also began the conversation on a wider scale to make police records available to the public without edits and wait time along with more allowance of footage if your house has been swarmed. we hear you sir. but we gon' need a lot more. like more black officers of color in our neighborhoods, less cops patrolling our neighborhoods altogether, a no gun reform law, so that every situation does not allow nor mandate that the officer(s) who respond bring a fire arm. Different protocols altogether when dealing with children and while near and/or in school zones.
Bigger entities like Twitter and Target call to celebrate Juneteenth in their companies holiday schedule by granting their employees pay on this day of relaxation.we are so here for that! Makes the Juneeteenth more legitimate and recognizable in spaces that black people do not get enough chances to frequent. But what would be even cooler? If there were more black faces in tech and Incorporated spaces. Not just as collaborators and/or ambassadors but also as board members, campaign managers, media analysis, research marketers and so on.
The 47th VP of the United States stand with the Workers protection act and declares to sign equality act which rules the firing of any person based off of their sexual orientation alone. This is great but we still need people to stop the policing and patrolling people based off the clothing they have worn, like a hoody.
and #stayactivelyproudlydefyinglyblackity but most importantly #stayyou
