as may approaches fast, and we are reminded of the atrocities that happened to george floyd.
here is an update on how his spirit is still going strong, and staying alive.
on juneteenth 2021, a statue of george floyd was revealed in the downtown, brooklyn area, close to the barclays center, by his very own brother,

. curated by artist chris carnabuci, the brother stated
"My brother was the sacrifice, so I need y'all to continue to pay attention and keep my big brother's name ringing in the ears of everyone." you can find another model built & revealed at union square months later. though the statue was defaced, the community came together to restore.
here you see rapper papoose with the family

terrance floyd caught kneelin' at statue, drea-rachel of power caught posing for a fan. caught by Luna

floyd's horrific passing sparked outrage and controversy for months in 2020 at the start of the pandemic, and the people have refused to forget his cries, and pleads. yesterday, a musician named ukno held a single release party for his track "wearefloyd" which features artist nino khayyam. the event held the presence of singer song-writer lion babe, bone, thugz n harmony and some other notable acts. according to the hiltonian, "an anthem created for Terrence Floyd’s 501c3 organization, We Are Floyd, is anticipated to be an anthem for the world. Encouraging justice to prevail for the families of all the lost ones and the healing to begin. The “WE ARE FLOYD” anthem ignites the flame that burns within the message to stop these unnecessary deaths and protect our BLACK FUTURE while not forgetting our BLACK HISTORY.
the anthem dropped on ALL PLATFORMS on FEBRUARY 28TH; it is the last day of BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the first day to take what we have learned and apply it to our BLACK FUTURE.
For every spin, for every download, for every listening ear of this anthem; consider it YOUR personal step closer to strengthening the message. Part of the proceeds goes towards the charity of the We Are Floyd Organization.
we even spotted this write-up on another dedication done for him in new jersey see here
for more intimate photos of the event click here to the artist page for bts
for more intimate images of the statue revealing click here to luna pearl photography lunapearlnyc@gmail.com
listen to song here